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Livestock Auction
Market Alberta
Call Us: +1403 934 1644, Bryan Danard |
+1403 934 3344, Office | Contact Us below
Upcoming Sales at our Strathmore market:

Field Agents
Our agents have 480 years of combined cattle marketing experience!
Call, they'll analyze the market and work to advise on the best time to sell.
Bryan Danard
+1403 9341644
Don Danard
1403 234 7429
Jason Danard
+1403 519 8916
Jim Anderson *SK
+1306 575 7608
Cody Black
+1403 506 5595
John Blair *MB
+1204 471 4841
Neil Friesen
+1403 560 5310
Scott Greiner *SK
+1306 536 2157
Kirk Goldsmith
+1403 575 5654
Lester Gurnett
+1403 681 3151
Lee Irvine
+1403 671 4878
Will Irvine
+1403 560 4343
Cody MacLean
+1403 324 7970
Trevor Marcinek
+1403 304 3701
Cliff Pahl
+1403 854 1900
Ben Payne
+1403 633 4175
Cody Resch *SK
+1306 628 7717
Joel Waddell
+1403 512 6151
Darcy Welsh
+1403 901 4846
Jeff Van Wert
+1403 793 9988
Bill Wilson
+1403 560 5265
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